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Coaching Services Agreement

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Coaching Services Agreement

"Effective Date"


Aequitas Coaching, LLC






Client wishes to hire Coach to provide interview coaching and Coach has agreed to provide such services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. For mutual consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the Parties agree to the terms and conditions set out below.



Client has chosen Coach's


Coach will provide the Services beginning on the Effective Date and continuing for six weeks or until the completion of the Services, whichever is shorter, (“Term”) unless otherwise extended or terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


Coach will provide Client with the following services as part of the coaching program (“Services”):

  • 1:1 coaching sessions conducted virtually via Google Meet, Zoom, FaceTime, telephone call, or similar

  • Workbook provided virtually via Google Docs or similar

Additional Services

Coach’s hourly rate is $300. Any coaching outside of the scope of Services set out in this Agreement, such as additional 1:1 coaching sessions or interview practice, will be considered ‘Additional Services’.  Additional Services requested by Client will be charged to Client at the hourly rate set out above, or as may otherwise be agreed on by the Parties in writing.

Extension of Term 

Following completion of the Term, this Agreement may be extended by the Parties on mutual written agreement on the same terms and conditions set out in this Agreement or as may otherwise be agreed on by the Parties in writing. 

Late Arrivals

Client is expected to arrive on time for the scheduled coaching sessions. Coach will provide a 15 (fifteen) minute grace period for Client to arrive and Coach may refuse attendance if Client is later than the grace period. 

Client Behavior

It is expected that Client will be respectful and cooperative towards Coach, both during the coaching sessions, as well as in any online, public or private forums included as part of the Services. Client also agrees not to make any false, disparaging or derogatory comments or statements in public or private regarding Coach, the Services or any related parties. If at any time Coach determines that Client is not acting in accordance with these expectations, Coach may terminate this Agreement without refund and any payments owing towards the Fee will immediately become due. 

Communication Requirement

During the Term, Client agrees to maintain communication, be on time for all sessions, and provide all information and feedback needed for Coach to carry out their obligations under this Agreement. Parties agree to inform the other using reasonable efforts, should a delay occur, or be expected to occur. If Client does not maintain communication or provide Coach with information as requested and required from time to time, Coach may, in their discretion, delay or cancel the Services. If such communication breakdown occurs more than once, it is within Coach’s discretion to cancel this Agreement without further delivery of Services and any amount of the Fee outstanding shall become immediately due and payable.



In exchange for the Services, the total fee is as listed above plus all applicable sales taxes (“Fee”). The Fee is payable by online methods provided on (such as PayPal) or other methods provided by Coach. 

Payment Schedule

The Fee for Services is due and payable in full on the Effective Date or before services begin, whichever is later. 


Payment Authorization

Client authorizes Coach to continue to charge all payments owing under this Agreement to Client’s credit card or via any third-party payment used to process transactions until full payment has been received. If Client cancels or replaces their credit card, Client must immediately update their information accordingly.


Changes to Schedule

The Coach may be required to make changes to the scheduled coaching sessions from time to time. In the event of any schedule change, Coach will provide as much notice as possible to Client and provide rescheduling options. Client will not be entitled to any refund of any portion of the Fee.


Coach requires at least 24 hours’ written notice in order to reschedule a coaching session. The call may be forfeited if less notice is provided. Client may only reschedule a session one time within the Term.

Cancellation by Client 

If Client desires to cancel the Services, Client shall provide notice to Coach as soon as reasonably possible. In the event of cancellation, Client is not entitled any refund of any amounts paid to Coach.

Cancellation by Coach

If Coach desires to cancel the Services, Coach shall provide notice to Client as soon as reasonably possible. If Client has paid more than the value of the Services provided by Coach up to the Cancellation Date, Coach will refund the difference to Client.


If Client cancels this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, Client is not entitled to any refund of any amounts previously paid to Coach. Coach may provide a refund in limited cases where it deems, in its sole discretion, to be appropriate and in an amount to be determined by Coach on a case-by-case basis. 

Termination of Agreement

This Agreement will end when Client has paid the Fee in full to Coach and Coach has performed the Services as set out in this Agreement. Any provisions that survive the termination of this Agreement will remain in full force.


Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

The Parties acknowledge that during the Term, certain confidential information may be disclosed to the other Party, either orally or in writing. For the purpose of this Agreement, “Confidential Information” means information that is of value and is treated as confidential and proprietary by its owner, and includes, but is not limited to, personal information, business records, financial data, marketing strategies, inventions, client lists, social media account metrics, passwords, intellectual property, trade secrets and the contents of this Agreement (“Confidential Information”). Client and Coach each agree not to disclose to any other person or entity or make use of the Confidential Information without the express written consent of the other, except to the extent that such disclosure is necessary to carry out their duties under this Agreement or as required by law. At the end of the Term or early cancellation of this Agreement, each Party will return all Confidential Information to the other and will remain bound by their duty of confidentiality to the other.

Privacy Policy

Coach may collect personal information during the Term, including Client name, address, email address, phone number, billing information, financial and business information, or other personal information (“Personal Information”). By providing any Personal Information to Coach, Client consents and grants Coach permission to use and store such information in order to facilitate the Services. Client acknowledges and consents to the use of technology, telephones, e-mails, applications and third-party platforms that use video and audio, such as Zoom and Google Meet, and third-party payment providers to be used by Coach in order to deliver the Services. Client confirms Coach is not responsible for the terms and policies of any third-party platforms and it is Client’s responsibility to review third-party privacy policies and terms and conditions.



Ownership and Use of Materials

Client acknowledges that all content and materials used and distributed in providing the Services, including any content or resources on Coach’s website, social media platforms, and member portal belongs exclusively to Coach, the sole copyright owner of the original materials, unless stated otherwise. By receiving any unique and original materials from Coach as part of the Services, Coach will grant a limited non-exclusive royalty-free license to Client for their use only and as directed by Coach. Client is strictly prohibited from reproducing any part of the written, video, audio and digital materials or sharing them with others without Coach’s explicit permission to do so. All of Coach's intellectual property, including copyrighted materials and trademarks, will remain the sole property of Coach.


Client will not capture any of the coaching sessions in any way, including but not limited to video recording, photography, voice recording or screen shots. Any recordings provided by Coach will be for Client’s own use only and Client agrees they will not duplicate or share the recordings with any other person. 



It is important Client fully understands that there are risks associated with the Services and ask questions as needed. Client acknowledges and understands that they are waiving certain legal rights by signing this Agreement.


Assumption of Risks

Client expressly assumes all risks related to the Services provided by Coach and any related activities set out in this Agreement. 

Medical Disclaimer

Client understands that Coach is not qualified to diagnosis or treat any physical, mental or emotional disorders, to provide health care, medical or nutrition therapy services, to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment.  Client understands that Coach is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietitian-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given by Coach is not meant to take the place of advice by qualified medical professionals. Client expressly understands that any information received in relation to the Services and this Agreement should not be seen as medical advice and the Services are not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

Professional Disclaimer

Client understands and agrees that in using the Services, Coach is not providing individual legal, tax, or accounting advice and any information provided is for general information and educational purposes only. 

No Warranty

Client acknowledges Coach makes no warranty that the Services will lead to any specific Client goal, financial success or particular results and Coach makes no promise that each Client will experience the same or similar results as other clients who have engaged Coach for similar services. Client acknowledges that the Services and materials provided are provided without any express or implied warranties of any kind. 

No Earnings Guarantee

Client acknowledges Coach makes no warranty or guarantee that Services will lead to any specific earnings, business growth or financial results or that Client will experience the same or similar results as others who use the Services.

Release, Waiver, and Indemnity

Client releases, indemnifies and saves harmless Coach, its directors, officers, agents, employees, contractors, volunteers, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, as applicable (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability and damages arising out of or related to this Agreement, however caused, including negligence. Client agrees to either secure reasonable insurance coverage to cover any costs, losses, damages or expenses, which may be incurred as a result of the Services or if no insurance is secured, Client waives its right to seek legal recourse against Coach for compensation. This clause survives the expiration or early termination of this Agreement.

Limitation of Liability

In the event Coach is found liable for any reason for damages arising directly or indirectly from this Agreement, liability will be limited to the greatest extent possible in the governing jurisdiction and in no case exceed the Fee paid by Client to Coach. 

Media Release 

Client grants to Coach an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual and unrestricted right to use any media, such as photographs, video, audio recordings or social media posts containing Client’s likeness, whether captured by Client, Coach or third party in relation to this Agreement and for any lawful purpose, including in its online or printed advertising or marketing materials and on all social media platforms, with or without reference to Client and without further notice, grant of permission or right to any financial compensation. 


Relationship of Parties

Nothing in this Agreement shall be understood to create an employment, joint venture or partnership relationship between Coach and Client and Client is hiring Coach as an independent contractor only. For the avoidance of doubt, Coach has sole right to control and direct the means, manner, and way in which the Services are provided and may, in their sole discretion, hire assistants, employees or third-party contractors to assist in delivering the Services.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the state and federal laws of Arizona, USA without regards for conflicts of law provisions. Any disputes arising directly or indirectly from this Agreement will be submitted and heard exclusively in the courts of Patagonia, Arizona, USA.

Injunctive Relief

Client acknowledges that monetary damages may be inadequate to compensate for the unique losses to be suffered in the event of a breach of this Agreement (including violations of the nondisclosure provision), and that Coach will be entitled to seek, in addition to any other remedy it may have under this Agreement or at law, injunctive and other relief, including specific performance of the terms of this Agreement without the necessity of posting a bond.

Expenses; Fees  

Each party will pay all costs and expenses that it incurs with respect to the negotiation, execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement.  If any suit or action is instituted to enforce any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such dispute will be entitled to recover from the losing party all fees, costs, and expenses of enforcing any right of such prevailing party under or with respect to this Agreement, including without limitation, such reasonable legal and other professional fees and expenses which will include, without limitation, all fees, costs, and expenses of appeals. 

Dispute Resolution

In the event any dispute arises between the Parties in relation to this Agreement or a breach of this Agreement and the dispute is not resolved by negotiation, the Parties agree to submit the dispute for mediation prior to pursuing any other available remedy in relation to the dispute. The Parties may agree to virtual mediation, when available. 


Force Majeure

Neither Party will be responsible for delays resulting from causes beyond their reasonable control, including without limitation fire, explosion, floods, storms, pandemics, state of emergency, hazardous situations, war, strike, or riot, and either Party may choose to excuse themselves from further performance of their obligations under this Agreement if such occurrence materially affects the performance of Services. The Party relying on Force Majeure will give the other Party reasonable notice of their desire to terminate or suspend the Services. Notwithstanding, all payments owing for Services will remain due and payable with such amount to be determined by Coach.



Any notice to be given under this Agreement must be directed to the other Party using the contact information first set out above or as may otherwise be directed (“Notice”). For the purposes of this Agreement, e-mail will be considered sufficient for delivery of Notice. Notice will be deemed to be delivered on the date and time when the Notice is sent.



This Agreement may not be assigned to any other party except with the express written consent of the other Party.



If any of the provisions of this Agreement are found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not, to the extent permitted by law, in any way be affected and will remain enforceable.

Waiver of Breach

The waiver by one Party of any breach of this Agreement by the other Party will not be taken to be a waiver of any future breaches by the breaching Party. The non-breaching Party reserves the right to exercise or enforce their rights at a later date. 


Voluntary Agreement

Client acknowledges that they are executing this Agreement voluntarily and without any duress or undue influence by Coach or anyone else. Client further acknowledges that they have carefully read this agreement and that they have asked any questions needed for them to understand the terms, consequences, and binding effect of this Agreement and fully understand it.  Finally, Client has been provided an opportunity to seek the advice of an attorney of your choosing prior to signing this Agreement.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior negotiation, understanding or Agreement between the Parties, whether oral or written, on the matters contained in this Agreement.


The Parties may only amend this Agreement by mutual written agreement.


Any term of this Agreement which addresses performance or observance following the early termination or expiration of this Agreement will survive and continue to be in full force and effect. All things considered confidential during the Term will survive and always remain confidential.

Counterparts and Electronic Signing

This Agreement may be signed electronically and/or in counterparts that, when taken together, constitutes a fully signed and legally binding Agreement.

The Parties are signing this Agreement as of the Effective Date.

Coach Signature:

Michelle Marie, PhD

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