Creating content to tell the world that I've launched an interview coaching practice doesn't feel super authentic - after all, I've been rebuffing 'you should have a sewing blog' suggestions since the internet was brand new - and honestly? Breaking down the magic of an introspective, facilitative interview preparation process into cute Canva templates is a little bit of an insult to the magic.
On the other hand, sharing thoughts about effective communication in the academic job market? Writing about transferable skills? Asking questions about what makes you tick, why you do what you do, and helping you articulate who you are as a professional? Having an excuse to reconnect with my favorite former colleagues to interview them? Getting a little nostalgic about the good parts about working in higher ed and being super honest about the crappy parts? Encouraging you to be self-reflective? These things, I can do!
So, I shall do them and call them a blog and share them on the socials! Even if it means I need to hit return somewhat more frequently than I normally would. (Send thoughts and prayers).
Welcome to Aequitas in Praxi: Reflections on the realities of working in higher ed. I'm an interview coach specializing in helping thoughtful, introspective higher education professionals become confident communicators in interview contexts. If interviewing makes you cringe a little inside, or if you just aren't sure you are putting your best foot forward, you're in the right place.
Topics currently on my list include sneak peeks into my signature five-week Avoidance to Authenticity program workbook, insight from fellow (and former) academics about their career journeys, making a difference for students, articulating who we are as professionals and (most importantly) why, navigating the double bind, effective storytelling, balancing authenticity with professionalism, surviving and thriving as members of historically excluded groups in a white supremacist patriarchy.
Most of the time, I'll manage to make explicit connections to interview skills and remind you that I'm here for you when you're ready, but that's not necessarily my goal. My goal is to become part of a community of thoughtful humans who recognize this: helping people become who they're going to be is pretty great.
Thanks for joining me on this journey!